Medical Records Scanning
However, it seems that many health offices don't realize the hidden costs involved in establishing scanning services within the workplace. For instance, consider the scanning machine or the scanner. Most businesses first question the PPM value, i.e. Pages per Minute. This refers to the scanner's ability in terms of scanning a certain number of sheets per minute but under optimum conditions. The optimum conditions usually include much lower resolution values and smaller page sizes. What most prospective buyers don't realize is the daily duty cycle. This refers to the scanner's ability in providing multiple scanned pages per day. In actual workplace settings, the output of most scanners is about ¼,th of the mentioned PPM value. The featured PPM value doesn't include reduced capacity due to software glitches and other time-consuming deterrents like jamming of sheets or complex indexing. This is bit like new cars being unveiled at motor shows with their fuel averages mentioned in terms of miles for a gallon that these figures are not applicable to the actual driving conditions. This means that a healthcare office using a scanner of its own would be facing reduced volumes, per day along with being burdened with additional costs like:
Despite the onset of a second wave of economic slowdown, though still conjectured, labor costs continue to rise. This means that the DIY or Do It Yourself approach to scanning patient medical records doesn't make much organizational sense from a time-saving or cost-effectiveness perspective-the hidden costs of scanning medical records within the facility and the related liabilities easily outweigh the supposed savings.
Physicians at such offices might have to be content with a mediocre quality of scanned charts with the absence of properly trained technicians. In comparison, when using a scanning service provider, quality issues can be immediately reported and resolved. Seeking temporary or transient assistance does work out to be cheaper but this too has some major disadvantages, like:
Some Solutions Emerge
The more reputed of medical image and document scanning companies guarantee quality of services, involving auditing measures to ensure organized and qualitative conversion of paper medical charts into digitalized charts. Such professional scanning companies can provide customized solutions for off-site and on-site scanning. Professionally-managed scanning service providers can handle every type of medical data including, billing and correspondences with carriers apart from Lab Results, Prescriptions, Physician Notes and Imaging Test Results. This also eases the use of scanned records since the indexing of scanned data, saving it in a secured database and ensuring its easy access or retrievability is also handled by the scanning services provider.
Need medical records scanning? How it works, for those that want to know about Reducing Costs for Scanning Medical Records on