Medical Records Management



A Medical records management system is required by healthcare facilities of all sizes and their business associates for maintaining patient health information in the electronic format. This is the first step towards ensuring protection of Patient Health Information or PHI as per the HIPAA regulations. This can be interpreted as a process of converting all patient records existing in the paper or physical format into digitalized format. There are some immediate advantages of adopting a medical records management system that uses digitalized patient records. This includes:

  • Greater accuracy of documentation
  • Easy retrieval of patient records
  • Greater security for patient records
  • Easy and controlled sharing of PHI
  • Ease of updating authorities about PHI sharing or disclosures

  • Healthcare organizations need to understand that establishing the entire range of processes involved in setting-up a typical medical records management system can be very time consuming and expensive. The ideal approach involves combining some degree of in-house development along with hiring scanning services from a vendor. This puts forth some immediate advantages, such as:

    Advantages of working with a Medical Records Scanning Company

  • No need to train employees in scanning technologies
  • No need to spend upon scanning equipment
  • Freedom to choose the most affordable scanning solutions provider
  • Older records can be converted into PDF files at discounted, bulk rates
  • Better assurance of quality since a contracted vendor is involved
  • Freedom to customize the retailed scanning package

  • Once PHI is converted into a series of scanned images, it can be easily incorporated into the EHR software. The scanned documents can be numbered, indexed and stored in a systematic, easily-retrievable manner. Access to digitalized PHI can be easily controlled across the network via passwords and data encryption. Before the scanned images are fed into the EHR software, they are checked for quality-re-scanning, re-sizing, merger, color contrasting or deletions. This is critical for creating digitalized patient records that adhere to HIPAA's stringent regulations that is best handled by professionals, i.e. vendors offering contracted scanning services (Check for more information on ).